Hul a Y Fadhi l , Dhuha S Sal e h and Fai s al G Al -Ham dani

Keywords: Hu m a n Pap illo m a v i ru s (HPV), g e n o t yp in g , g e n o a rray test, Iraq i wo m e n

Abstract: To determ ine the prevalence and genotypes of cervical HPV i n fect i on i n Iraq by newl y devel oped t echni que. In t h i s st udy , 188 wom e n wi t h cervi cal dy spl a si a (CIN I, II/ III), 7 wom e n wi t h squam ous cervi cal cancer, 40 wom e n wi t h atypical squam ous cell and cervicitis and 25 healthy wom e n as control group were coll ected. For Detection of HPV types, DNA extracted from cervical exfoliated cells was ev aluated by polym erase chai n reaction and typing with genoarray test. HPV-DNA positive was found 28.94% (68/235) in th e cases but was absent in the control group. In the cases, the detection rate of HPV DNA in cy tological categories atypical squam ous with chronic cervicitis, LSIL (CIN I), HSIL(CIN II-III), and cancer was 5% (2/ 40), 30.34% (44/ 145) , 34.88%(15/ 43), and 100%(7/ 7 ), respect i v el y . Sevent een di fferent HPV genot y p es were i nvest i g at ed am ong 68 i n fect ed wom e n. M o reover, t e n di fferent HPV for t h e fi rst t i m e i n Iraqi wom e n were recorded. Our fi ndi ng dem onst r at ed a predom i n ance of HPV-59 (14.4%) fol l o wed by HPV-16 (13.3%) of al l i n fect i on, but HPV-16 t h e m o st com m on t y pe i n HSIL and cancer was observed. Our resul t s provi de evi d ence t h e genoarray usi ng for det ect i on was i n creasi ng t h e num ber of i s ol at es. Si nce 28% of i n fect ed wom e n had HPV-16 and -18, the HPV vaccine is im portance to in troduction. Moreover, HPV-16, - 45 and -18 were highly associ at ed wi t h i n creasi ng severi t y of t h e di sease, t hus t h e st rongest ri sk fact or for persi s t e nce of i n fect i on was t h e presence of these types

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